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Quick Fire Friday with… Andrew Amos, senior compliance officer at The Mortgage Lender

Friday, April 16, 2021

We talk to one of our newest recruits, Andrew Amos, senior compliance officer. We discuss a common myth he wants to bust about compliance, his (or should we say his mum’s) signature dish, why it is cricket over football and who would win the battle of the bands…

What’s the most surprising part of your role?

Many believe that compliance colleagues are business-preventers as opposed to business-enablers –  this is a myth. Compliance staff are fundamental to the achievement of strategy, given the current regulatory environment, and can inform decision-making that supports the company in achieving its goals.

Biggest industry challenge?

The sheer amount of regulatory change that’s required to be managed has always been a challenge, however, this has intensified further due to Covid-19. Staying abreast of these developments is key; so too is being dynamic enough to implement those changes across the business.

Biggest industry opportunity?

Without doubt, technology. Not just technology itself but the opportunities that derive from that technology. Digitisation is rife and digitality will inevitably become mainstream. Using more granular data, such as customer journey data, enables firms to model customers, map those journeys, understand customer expectations and, ultimately, offer products that customers truly desire. In turn, firms remain competitive in a hyper-adoptive industry.

Ideal day (after lockdown)?

Somewhere sunny…anywhere sunny (even if that is just for a day!).

What’s your signature dish / bake?

Curry – a very hot one. I can’t claim this one though, as all credit goes to my mum. Everyone’s a fan…of the curry; not my mum…

What five items couldn’t you live without?

Phone (how boring would lockdown have been without it?); Apple Watch (exercise a lot); my bed (wish I could sleep more); toothbrush (obviously?); and my friends (let’s call them items for now…)

Save or splash the cash?

Splash the cash.

Sunbathe or sightsee? 


Football or cricket?


Beatles or the Rolling Stones?

Rolling Stones.

Please note article content was accurate at time of publishing

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